every other orange

interesting day

I was supposed to babysit for quite a long time tonite, but it has been really cold and rainy, not very good weather for going to Red Rocks. So instead of making enough money to prevent a check from bouncing, I now get to look forward to having less than no money. Woo! Hopefully she will ask me to babysit again soon so that I can make up for tonite. I did get a lot of things done though - I can now cross everything off of that list but the finding a new bank. I probably wont do that for a few more weeks. I spent a good hour just writting letters to people asking for donations for my Climb4Life adventure. I am rather excited about spending my birthday climbing in Salt Lake City.
I climbed today at the Boulder Rock Club, got in a lot of good bouldering. The guy working there let me in for free because it was too busy for him to spend time setting up a retroactive membership. Free is definatly good right now. When I was about to leave, Eden, a women that works there, came up to me and said that she had been reading my resume and saw that I was participating in Climb4Life. She raised the second most amount of money last year and is planning on going again this year. So aside from the free climbing, I also found someone to share the drive with me. Can't say that was a bad day :)

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