every other orange


and I am home... It is really nice to see my parents again, 5 months is a good amount of time to be gone. I do wish that Cynthia was home for Christmas, I would love to see her. I went over to Adam's yesterday to see Chloe and pick up a few things. She is still the cutest little kitty, kind of plump but incredibly loving and frisky. She played fetch with me while I was there :) I also cried over times that over and things that are missed. This trip home is a little hard for me emotionally... it is the first time I really get to see that things have indeed changed.


Ground rules:

The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who get tagged need to then write a Xanga entry about their five quirky little habbits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. At the end, you need ot list the next five people who you want to tag, and then go to leave a tag smooch on their Xanga

1. I don't like my foods to touch each other...lets say i'm having eggs and potatoes..i'll eat one then the other and only if i'm super hungry will I eat the ones that have mixed together.. and for the same reasons i don't really like sauces
2. I have a really hard time getting rid of stuffed animals because I don't want to hurt their feelings
3. I'm scared of things I can't see; bottoms of lakes, having the curtains open at night, just over a roof while climbing, around a tight curve while driving...
4. I really really really hate when people ignore me
5. I don't make my bed until just before I to go to bed

As far as the last part goes.... I am opting out on the grounds that I don't have a Xanga :) Take that Zyn.

shame on me

yeah yeah I know, shame on me for not posting..but I don't really have anything to say, or I do and by the time I get to my computer I don't remember what I wanted to say. I've been having fun though - no outside climbing but lots of inside. Last week it was incredibly cold here...with huge winds. It is finally starting to warm up though..hopefully I will get to climb outside soon. I just got back from playing pool at the Foundry with Mark and David and am soon leaving to go to a party at Macky. Should be lots of fun :)

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