every other orange

Read 30 Books

One of my goals for 2008 had been to read 30 books. I kept track using 43 things, and was very surprised to see that I actually read 41. I wanted to keep the list, so here it is:

1. The Hobbit
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Pride & Prejudice
4. Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians
5. The Bible: A Biography
6. The Color of Magic
7. Escape
8. Einstein's Dreams
9. Pyramids
10. The Sweet Far Thing
11. The Alchemist
12. The Historian
13. Citizen Girl
14. Guards! Guards!
15. Night Watch
16. Heaven's Net is Wide
17. Rendezvous with Rama
18. Across the Nightingale Floor
19. Equal Rites
20. The Rock Warrior's Way
21. Eric
22. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
23. The Difference Engine
24. The Light Fantastic
25. Sourcery
26. Wyrd Sisters
27. Desert Solitaire
28. Witches Abroad
29. Reaper Man
30. The Fellowship of the Ring
31. Post Office
32. Small Gods
33. The Two Towers
34. The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic
35. Moose
36. Lords and Ladies
37. The Return of the King
38. Brisingr
39. Men at Arms
40. The Other Queen
41. Soul Music

In other news... some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted in a long time. I have been playing with the idea of discontinuing this blog, for several reasons, including a lack of desire to be online after work. I have been continuing to post pictures to flickr, and I would encourage anyone who wants to see those to check out the link up top. Otherwise, leave me a comment. I would love to know if anyone wants me to keep going with the blog, or not.

2 Responses to “Read 30 Books”

  1. # Blogger Wasatch Girl

    Hey girl,
    Any of these books you would highly suggest?

    Also, per your blog, I can completely understand being burnt out of being online after your job. I personally love reading your blog, but understand needing a break as well. Perhaps just take a break for a bit and then revive it again if wanted?
    Hope you are well.

  2. # Blogger Spencer the Bomb Diggity

    Yeah it is up to you on the blog really. I would not delete this info though. There is Blurb.com that can download all your info and turn it into a book or a digital copy on your pc at least so you dont lose these thoughts.

    Wait, no twilight books!?!?!? Good for you.

    Can you rate the top ten? I would love to know the ones that you would recommend.  

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