every other orange

add a spoonful of delirium

I have been getting as many days of climbing in as possible before my Dad gets here (tomorrow). I figure he wont be so into following me around while I climb - and I have a bunch of other stuff that I would like to show him, so climbing is taking a back seat for awhile. I am so excited to have him visit me though! Finally having my family come out to me feels like their final acceptance that I am not moving back to Michigan :)
The picture is Johnny on Surprise V8 - a beautiful problem with a heinous looking top-out.

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lightning strikes the summit

It is an unfortunatly rainy and snowy day today, especially since I was hoping to get to Joe's or atleast do some bouldering in Little Cottonwood. I guess that just means that I will have to continue getting everything taken care of on my To Do list. Spring seems to have come a little early here and temperatures have been prime for climbing in Little. Over the last month I've managed to get out almost every other day - ticking off many of Fall's projects, including my left thumb's bane, The Surfboard Problem. I hope that this great weather continues for atleast another month :)
Johnny is pictured on Lance's Dihedral - just before he sent it.
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uninhibited strengths and relinquished passions

I took Beau to the vet yesterday to update his vaccines and see about getting his teeth cleaned. I really had to idea what to expect as far as the cost of a normal teeth cleaning but I was thinking it would be around 150... boy was I wrong. The technician came in with the sheet of paper detailing all the little costs and at the bottom it gave me the grand total - 420$!!! I was not expecting that. Needless to say, I have not yet made the appointment for teeth cleaning. I think I need to check some other vets out first.

On another note - I finally paid for my first month of wind power and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. It feels kind of good too :)

the gray sky smothers the shingles

The weather has been so gorgeous in Salt Lake that I've been bouldering in LCC almost every day. I've met some awesome new people - 'Shua (as Wasatch Girl nicknamed him) pictured bouldering at the Gate - and have been finding some pretty cool new areas and projects. ...i'm dizzy and I don't think I can keep up with making up names...

the dichotomy of heroes and celebrities

My decision making skills seem to have completely left me - and I have again posted more than one picture. This time though you only get two. I had an incredible day today! I finally plucked up the courage to join in on some ultimate action over at Fairmont park with a whole bunch of guys that I had not met until I showed up this afternoon. It was initially intimidating because they all had fancy cleats and played with end-zones, fouls and boundaries instead of the easy-going boxes that I had grown used to. But things went well and despite learning that I hadn't been getting as good at running as I thought, I didn't suck too badly :) After ultimate I joined up with some friends for some LCC Bouldering action and am now about to hit up the Front. I think that I will be a little sore tomorrow...

they will be in our backyard

I had a great time tonight - got things done, saw some people I hadn't seen in awhile and took some pictures of the sunset. I had decided that I would post one... but I really couldn't decide. Let me know which one you like best!

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