every other orange

I love Ann Arbor

"Goths" on the Diag Posted by Picasa

Make Art - Not War

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School of Social Work

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Constant Construction

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Reserved Castle Parking

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Drinking Fountain

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Waste not Want not?

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Follow the Ants

I have always wondered how a store could survive when they only sell syrups for flavored drinks... ideas? Posted by Picasa

Drive Thru Beer

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brick cinderblocks

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more colors

Ann Arbor is colorful - even when the skies are gray. Posted by Picasa

Old and New

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Everywhere is a restaurant - and I have always loved the building fronts :) Posted by Picasa


I took a picture similar to this after he left, but it just wasn't the same. Posted by Picasa

What level are you on?

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I'm not sure I ever really noticed this before... Posted by Picasa

Ugly Parking Garages

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Wag More - Bark Less

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fire hydrant

It is rare to find an ordinary fire hydrant in Ann Arbor. This is one of my favorite ones, it looks nice among the pavers - found in Kerrytown. Posted by Picasa

VW comes to Ypsi

Along with these beautiful old school buses there were also quite a few vanagons at the road show in Ypsi. There were so many different little upgrades and accessories - made me wish I had some money to put into my van. Maybe sometime... Posted by Picasa

I sure miss Maximus

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colorful ann arbor?

I guess I took for granted how wonderfully colorful Ann Arbor is before. It is quite beautiful right now. I have also been running into tons of people that I know and people that know my friends fom colorado - it is a bit crazy how small the world is. I am enjoying my time back so far. Posted by Picasa

Ann Arbor

Back in Ann Arbor and the sun is finally shinning! Beau and I took advantage of the beautiful day and spent most of it walking around. I felt a bit touristy carrying my camera around, but I realized that I don't really have any pictures of A2. Had to change that. Posted by Picasa


Beau is looking at a squirrel very intently in the Diag - he wanted to chase the squirrels very badly today. Posted by Picasa

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