every other orange

I know you asked for this awhile ago mom...but I finally took the picture off of my camera. Isn't it a pretty purple and orange bed? I love you mom :) Posted by Picasa


today Chris and I went up to flagstaff to do some bouldering. it was a good amount of fun...but we didn't lst very long. my fingertips are so raw right now - they definatly need to get used to some real rock usage.

anyways...i've been thinking lately about how far in debt I am right now and how little i will be able to work with my class schedule the way it is. I am also very much not into going to my classes. I just don't like them right now, especially chem2 and cell biology. It just seems like so much repetition. I mean, I know I need to take them eventually and I know that I will learn new things..but not that much. I would really like to drop down to 6 credits and work like 35 hours a week. Well...I have some things to check out...I just hope that things work out and that I am happy.


I was supposed to do my first multi-pitch climb today and was all excited for it...but I slept in! I'm so pissed...I was supposed to be gone at 7:30 and here I am waking up at 10:30. At least I will still be bouldering at Flagstaff tomorrow. BAH!

this sucks

I feel so horribly aweful..I don't even really want to talk about it. I just feel like such a horrible person.

The Spot

Oh, and I went to The Spot - a bouldering gym - for the first time last night. It was so awesome! There were two big boulders and then a wall of bouldering, each one was modeled after a diferent kind of rock and area. They also had a permanent slackline set up. So yeah...I spent like 2 hours bouldering and met some cool people. I'm going crack climbing with one of them this Saturday :) Oh, and I seem to be over my fear of climbing while people are watching me - which is a very good thing. I guess I've gotten over a lot of my fears since I moved out here. That certainly feels good!


well i have officially bought all of my books and lab materials and man...this is the most expensive semester that I have had yet. The total was almost 400$! I guess I was lucky that I was able to use eBay for almost all of my books in previous years. Lets hope that I can next semester because I really need to start making some headway on my credit card debt.


I finally got a whole nights sleep last night. I have been here for like 2 1/2 weeks now, and every night I was tossing and turning, just trying to fall asleep. But I slept last night! And I feel soo good now that I have woken up. :)
Last night I went to see the 40 year old virgin. It was such a hilarious movie... I went to it thinking that it would be rather stupid, but it was so great! I definatly recommend it.
And now - classes have officially started. They don't seem all that bad, a lot of work, but not bad. I wish I could just take few credit hours and work full time, or almost full time. That would make things a lot easier. But I guess, I am already behind. I should probably suck it up and finish eventually.


I just saw this video of people kiteboarding and wow...i so want to try it. It looks like one of the funnest things ever. They go so high up in the air. So much I want to try.

bocci ball

well today was definatly a good day. I went to the BRC (boulder rock club) as soon as they opened to do some bouldering and when I got to the upstairs bouldering cave there was a guy setting routes. So I got to try all of his new stuff and give feedback - he even changed some of them a little based on my feedback. I felt very important. Then I got a little sick to my stomach - that time of the month stuff - and tried to take a nap. So yeah, later in the day I went for a walk and decided to try out Qdoba for dinner. Good stuff! I was looking at the prices and was all like..man 4$ for a burrito..thats kinda outrageous. But then they made mine, and they are freaking huge! It is going to last me like 2 or 3 meals. On the way back home I past Beach Park and saw some guys playing bocci ball. So after I ate, I went outside and asked if I could join in. After they taught me the rules (the one or two of them) I played...and won! It was a great day - I am really enjoying this more outgoing me.

last one - or first one i guess Posted by Picasa

this is what i have to fall on if I lean out too far Posted by Picasa

mmm..more to climb Posted by Picasa

another of the arch Posted by Picasa

anyone else want to climb this? Posted by Picasa

cute little chipmonk Posted by Picasa

wonderful flatirons Posted by Picasa

ok- I promised royal arch trail pictures -so here you go. The top, right underneath the arch, is a wonderful spot to just sit and look down on everything. Posted by Picasa

caution! trail ahead is highly eroded Posted by Picasa


I just got back from registration and it did not go as badly as I thought. I ended up taking General Chem 2 & Lab, Cell Biology & Lab and Scandinavian History: the vikings. All of which I am excited for. I wish I had been able to fit in another class, but the labs made it very difficult. I will only be taking 13 credit hours, but that is full time. I have classes from 9-1 monday, wednesday and friday, 8-5 (full day of labs) on tuesday and nothing on thursday. So all in all I am pretty happy with my schedule :)

adam is home

well adam came back from his family vacation. it was soo great to talk to him again - although i did end up crying...a lot. i even cried while watching Finding Nemo. but now I am talking to him on his webcam thing..it is nice. but my throat hurts from not talking when it should be..if that makes sense. kind of like the throat hurting when you are trying not to cry thing.

here is Boulder from a little ways up the mountain - i will remember to take my camera next time I go up the Royal Arch path. it was gorgeous! Posted by Picasa

here is Onyx - the family that I am staying with's cat. she is a sweetheart, always meowing for more attention. and I can celebrate because she actually likes me now, last night she jumped up on my bed ans slept there all night. awww :) Posted by Picasa

interesting day

I was supposed to babysit for quite a long time tonite, but it has been really cold and rainy, not very good weather for going to Red Rocks. So instead of making enough money to prevent a check from bouncing, I now get to look forward to having less than no money. Woo! Hopefully she will ask me to babysit again soon so that I can make up for tonite. I did get a lot of things done though - I can now cross everything off of that list but the finding a new bank. I probably wont do that for a few more weeks. I spent a good hour just writting letters to people asking for donations for my Climb4Life adventure. I am rather excited about spending my birthday climbing in Salt Lake City.
I climbed today at the Boulder Rock Club, got in a lot of good bouldering. The guy working there let me in for free because it was too busy for him to spend time setting up a retroactive membership. Free is definatly good right now. When I was about to leave, Eden, a women that works there, came up to me and said that she had been reading my resume and saw that I was participating in Climb4Life. She raised the second most amount of money last year and is planning on going again this year. So aside from the free climbing, I also found someone to share the drive with me. Can't say that was a bad day :)

isn't Cynthia such a cutie? Her senior pictures have been posted and this one is definatly my favorite. She is actually smiling! Posted by Picasa

to do

ok, today, tomorrow and sunday are get everything done days...so what do i need to do?
1. call national city about 50$
2. change address for mbna & 1st financial
3. get car tests
4. register car
5. start getting sponsors for Climb4Life
6. make new contact list
7. find a new bank
8. clean house
9. call anne

that looks like everything - wish me luck

there is one last picture of the rather extended family Posted by Picasa

i will miss you too nicole. and although it was nice when she left - all the space back, things costing less and all - she was a lot of fun to have around Posted by Picasa

so in the picture that is my sister biting her nails, nicole (our exchange student), dad, me and then mom almost out of the picture. we are all waiting in the airport - delaying the final good bye Posted by Picasa

here i am

so i've decided to start posting here again. it could just be because i'm bored and a little lonely - so i can't promise that posts will continue after classes start, i get a job and some friends. but if all goes well, you will continue to hear from me.

you should cherish this picture because it is not often that you will see one of me Posted by Picasa

now this is what i call home Posted by Picasa

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