every other orange


today Chris and I went up to flagstaff to do some bouldering. it was a good amount of fun...but we didn't lst very long. my fingertips are so raw right now - they definatly need to get used to some real rock usage.

anyways...i've been thinking lately about how far in debt I am right now and how little i will be able to work with my class schedule the way it is. I am also very much not into going to my classes. I just don't like them right now, especially chem2 and cell biology. It just seems like so much repetition. I mean, I know I need to take them eventually and I know that I will learn new things..but not that much. I would really like to drop down to 6 credits and work like 35 hours a week. Well...I have some things to check out...I just hope that things work out and that I am happy.

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