every other orange

We again went to the Ice Cream Parlor to climb this Sunday. It started out being nicely quiet.. but a bunch more people did show up near the end of the day. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as last Sunday though! I also lead the first 2 trad climbs! Only 2 5.8s, but it felt pretty damn good to lead again.

We stopped at the birthing stone on our way home. It is a square stone just a few feet from the side of the road that is covered in petroglyphs, including one of a women apparently giving birth. Interesting...

the song with the kiss

We finally had a gorgeous weekend in Moab and we were able to spend both Saturday and Sunday climbing! On saturday we drove down Cane Creek and found the most gorgeous bouldering problem! We found some good warm ups and then attacked this highball. I actually only got to about where Josh is now - but he topped out the problem a couple times (I hope to be back while the problem is actually in the sun).

Anyone know what this is?

Left normal, climbed rocks, found myself.

There was a pretty great show on NPR today (really yesterday - I podcast) about these 6 word memoirs. The idea started when Hemingway was challenged to write a story in 6 words. His story was: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” From there it evolved into 6 word memoirs - there was a book of them, and there are tons more everyday on the Smith Magazine site. I even wrote one - it was fun - you should try it. Let me know what you write!

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