every other orange

the sign again

I know i've photographed this sign before... but for some reason it continues to draw me. Plus it is only half a block from my house. I really do like living at 9th and 9th - great area :) Posted by Picasa

snowy night

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broken window

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Beau and I went for yet another late night walk tonight. I really do enjoy the walks: Beau gets to be off leash, I don't have to see other people and I seem to notice things that I otherwise just pass by. Tonight was special though because huge snowflakes were falling from the sky - it was lovely. -more pictures will follow Posted by Picasa

around the neighborhood

Last night, in an attempt to soak up all the lovely full moon rays :), I took a long walk around the neighborhood with camera in hand. Posted by Picasa


Beau is waiting for me to take my pictures... he was very patient the whole night :) Posted by Picasa

unusual entry way

i loved the door! Posted by Picasa

my house

Now this one is actually my house :) Megan was describing it as the white house with the suns a couple weeks ago and I had no idea what she was talking about... now I know. Posted by Picasa

the playground

I'm not quite sure how middle schoolers got post-it notes this high... but we do know that I am not all that tall, especially compared to those 8 foot kids sprouting up all over the place. Posted by Picasa

Chameleon Artwear

There are a bunch of cute stores around me - these last two I haven't actually been in (I'm poor) but their signs are pretty! Posted by Picasa


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