every other orange

fall bouldering

i had a great time bouldering in Little Cottonwood today - tried a bunch of things that I've tried before and got a little further on all of them but didn't finish anything new. i am certainly enjoying the process anyways :) i've been climbing with some friends from A2 (always a small world) and David Banks (pictured) - they have been great with spotting, pointing out feet and giving beta and encouragement. Posted by Picasa

killer tomatoes

what i really want is some apple cider - that is something that i really miss about michigan Posted by Picasa

time off

I've starting actually taking days off lately - no more working 7 days a week. I am enjoying my days off - lots more climbing - and I am definatly not going back to working all 7 days. Posted by Picasa

salt lake city

I walked around salt lake for awhile today - taking pictures. I was having a good time until my camera ran out of batteries... but it is not like I am leaving here soon, i'll have time to explore some more.

slightly creepy


it seems that everyother building in salt lake (downtown especially) is closed or has been moved and nothing has yet replaced it - the other half of the buildings are beautiful and brand new



I was walking the street of Salt Lake this morning and found almost no one out - just a bunch of homeless enjoying the sun.. but then noon came around and hundreds upon hundreds of people started streaming out of the temple in the middle of downtown. Everyone is Mormon here.


this lady was awesome - she loved Beau and we had a good chat about not taking life too seriously :)

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