every other orange


Beau did not enjoy the drive... and I swear I saw him roll his eyes a couple times at my singing and state-line-crossing celebrations. Posted by Picasa

3 Responses to “annoyed”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Bo looks like he wants to go for a long run with his old man friend Mr. Doucette. He cannot believe that he had it so great in Michigan an now he is stuck in crappy Salt Lake City, Boulder or where ever his pain in the butt master takes him. Who ever put that woman in charge anyway, everyone knows men are the best. "Take me back to Michigan"

    Beau (actually Bo)  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Anonymous said...
    Bo looks like he wants to go for a long run with his old man friend Mr. Doucette. He cannot believe that he had it so great in Michigan an now he is stuck in crappy Salt Lake City, Boulder or where ever his pain in the butt master takes him. Who ever put that woman in charge anyway, everyone knows men are the best. "Take me back to Michigan"

    Beau (actually Bo)  

  3. # Blogger Matt

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who has state-line-crossing celebrations. I stole mine from family tradition.. it goes a little like this...

    (building up).. penn penn penn Penn Penn PEnn PEnn PENn PENn PENN PENN PENNSYLVANIA!!!! (with cheering in the background) It's way less exciting when I do it all alone -- and North Carolina's a little difficult -- but still amazing.  

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