hueco hueco Hueco HUECO!!!
0 Comments Published by porscha on Monday, February 26, 2007 at 10:22 AM.
I finally decided that I needed a vacation (well, a climbing vacation that is) and made a plan for 5 days down in Hueco. Everything started out well... work was easy to get off, the car packed easily and the first 5 hours of the drive went quickly. Then, right in the middle of no where, my car started acting funny. Because it was 10:00pm and I didn't have any cell reception, I decided to push on at slower speeds to try and make it to Flagstaff. I did eventually make it to Flagstaff and completly exhuasted I decided to find a hotel parking lot to spend the night in. I woke up rather early, crawled into the driver's seat, found a mechanic and 90$ later, was back on the road. The drive from Flagstaff to Pheonix was stressful due to my increased alertness to unusual car activity and the incoming storm (pictured above) but after that everything flew by. I was even able to climb a little when I got to Hueco that evening :)
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