every other orange

things you find

so i was searching for myself on google and I found a great little poem that I had forgotten about. Adam wrote it way back when...before we were going out :)

porscha is a senior of centers,
she even might be one of your tormentors,
she plays hide and go seek,
she's incredibly shy and meek,
she seems really smart
given the chance, she'd steal a cart,
when she sees that orange cone,
she runs it over, then buys a new phone,
when you look at her, you see innocence of ages,
but if you don't watch her closely, she'll steal your wages,
when mostly alone, you'll see her do cartwheels,
but dont't walk in front of her, cuz she'll step on your heels,
you might not know she's european,
but showers are not her way of cleanin',
her car is a muttled mass of recalls,
although she thinks it's alright, she can get to the malls,
she's one hyper girl, but she's happy and super,
if you watch her long enough i'm sure she'll make a blooper,
you can talk to her, it will be fun,
i swear to you, you won't hide and run.

-adam taylor

2 Responses to “things you find”

  1. # Blogger twisted-yarns

    i found that same poem earlier this year and thought it was very sweet. adam has a very kind heart.  

  2. # Blogger Matt

    Wow. I found a whole buncha those poems on my site ta other day.


    Seriously old school.  

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