every other orange


I finally put the new battery in my van yesterday... which was quite the production. First I tried to get it out by just moving the passenger seat all the way forwards, but I quickly figured out that the seat has to come off before the batttery can come out. So after taking the seat all the way off I struggled to get the battery out of it's little slot... which was incredibly difficult due it's lack of handle (the only way it can come out is straight out, via the handle). After about half an hour I finally realized that i could take the handle off the new battery and put it in the old one and voila!, problem solved. Thinking that all the difficulties were over I rushed to put everything back together without seeing that the cd player had turned on. The sparks from my wrench hitting the positive scared the crap out of me!

Everything worked out though and I no longer have an immobilized van :)

3 Responses to “batteries”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

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  2. # Anonymous Anonymous
  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Great work!
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