every other orange

pain is weakness leaving your body

I will be leaving for Salt Lake in about 1 hour now, and I have some pretty mixed feelings about the surgery. I have been having so much fun in the last week/2 with trail running, hiking and climbing that I really don't want to leave Moab. Definitely not for 3 weeks either! I'll miss Josh, I'll miss Beau and I'll definitely miss being mobile, at home and with my own things. It is a major blessing that my friend David has agreed to take me in for all of my recovery and that definitely takes a lot of the worry out of this, but I just can't help thinking of the ifs. Like, what happens if he messes up and I have to wear a colostomy bag for what can only feel like, ever. Or, the more unreasonable, what if I never wake up? Or, the girly and pretty possible one, how does having my period and surgery down there work? It sounds pretty gross to me. Oh, well, reservations aside, I will be glad to have it over with and to remember what life without tail bone pain is like. Wish me luck everyone... I'm a little scared.

1 Responses to “pain is weakness leaving your body”

  1. # Blogger Wasatch Girl

    Oh girl, everything will be ok. And I bet you will feel better in no time.  

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