every other orange

crying with dry eyes

The last couple of weeks have been pretty interesting. I went to the dentist to get some cavities filled, 4 of them on the right side of my mount. I always have cavities, no matter how well I takes care of my teeth - it seems that my teeth are pretty week. My dentist had me take pill before the visit so that I would be more relaxed for the shots. I was all for the idea initially, because it was much less expensive then some laughing gas, but when he started with the needle before I was feeling any effects, I started to change my mind. The shots weren't too bad, and the fillings went in quick enough. The next week was what really killed me. I got 2 of the biggest cankor sores from chewing on my mouth, and I still can't chew on the right side. I hate going to the dentist. I am up and about now though - so all is back to well.

1 Responses to “crying with dry eyes”

  1. # Blogger Spencer the Bomb Diggity

    I have been procrastinating a trip to the big D for a while too...

    Okay what are you shooting with? These pics are always amazing! That top one was with a filter. If you tell me this was done with a point and shoot pos then I will be really mad!  

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