every other orange

when they are more like thunder-battles!

I spent the entire day hiking today (nearly 9 miles of it!) First Beau and I went for a little jaunt down the end of Potash, but all of the factory waste stared to get to us, so we packed it up early. After dropping Beau back at home, I went to Arches National Park. I ending up hiking a pretty long loop trail in the Devil's Playground (?).

Unfortunately it was incredibly cold! The water in my camelbak froze twice and I couldn't stop for too long without starting to get cold. But the worst part was the wind! I almost turned back several times in the beginning, but once I remembered my hood I was in business again. My softshell, icebreaker wool and windstopper gloves kicked the butts of everyone elses get up. And I've never been happier to have trekking poles!

2 Responses to “when they are more like thunder-battles!”

  1. # Blogger twisted-yarns

    YOu look very, very cold.  

  2. # Blogger Chart Smart

    NICE Blog :)


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