every other orange

ahhh, ummm, hmmm.... eh?

While trying to find the Crack House with Josh's friends this weekend, we stumbled upon another gorgeous area. Dead Horse Point was simply stunning - seriously! Who knew that there were so many cliffs and canyons and just plain weird land formations everywhere around Moab?? I certainly had no idea.

In a stroke of 'Porscha Luck', it snowed in Moab on Friday. Josh, Adam and Amy had planned to go climbing while I worked, but the snow seriously damped everyones motivation. Thankfully the snow was already melting by the time I got off work. (And no - snow in Moab does not mean that there was snow in Salt Lake...)

It's amazing - I have so many different pictures from so many awesome places in Moab right now that I could space them out and not have to come up with new material for months and months.... it's tempting. :) Oh, and thanks for the comments everyone! They really do keep me going. It's always nice to know that I'm keeping some people up to date with my goings and doings.

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