every other orange

Was it really Seredipity?

After very nearly 2 full years, I finally made it back to Indian Creek! The place is just as gorgeous as I remember - but the crack climbing. Man - that was much harder than I remembered.

Josh and I met up with a whole bunch of friends from SLC for my friend Zac's birthday weekend. It was an incredible time! We didn't end up climbing too much (there was a line for every route that was put up) the company was quite good. Rachel is killing it on the climb above.

I unfortunately started feeling pretty crappy by the time night (and a wonderful dust storm) rolled in, so I went to bed immediately after dinner. But the rest of the group had a completely wild night filled with naked fire jumping and explosive lantern bowling (so I heard). I can't wait until we move to Moab and can come practice our crack climbing skills as frequently as we want!

2 Responses to “Was it really Seredipity?”

  1. # Blogger Wasatch Girl

    Hey... it is me climbing in a dress! Awesome!

    Yeah, Indian Creek is hard! You are so lucky to be able to move to Moab soon. However, I will miss you. =(  

  2. # Blogger Neal

    wow, look at those colors! Amazing, I'm in awe.
    What's this about a move to Moab?!? Now I'm in awe AND jealous :)  

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