Another day, and another hike. Beau and I hiked in the Fisher Towers today, just outside of Moab. Beau definitely liked since I had to ditch him yesterday, but I was quite tired and sore! I think that I've hiked around 20 miles in the last 4 days... I'm definitely not used to that.
Most of the hike was well marked by Cairns, but one corner went above and beyond. I had no doubt that I was on the right trail when I came up upon all of these little guys!
On another note - I have posted all of my goals for this New Year on 43 Things. It was rather difficult to come up with 43 goals, but I think I'm down to a good batch. (Although some are already on their way to being finished).
Hey, I just happened on your blog a while back and I really liked the pictures so I keep coming back to look at the new ones.