every other orange


I know i took this picture from your blog mum... but I liked it so much I had to add it to mine :)

... for those of you that don't know... i got the news that Maximus is not going to last much longer for me. His engine is about to give out, a fact which became more apparent when I couldn't make it up a steep driveway last night without a good sized running start. I never thought that I could be so attached to a van, but I certainly am. It is incredibly comfortable, I just managed to fit everything I own into it and gave myself a new ceiling... it also made finding true happiness possible. Because I have to find a new home, I have started putting serious effort into trying to sell my car (the only way I can afford a new van) and am hoping for miraculous things. This certainly comes as a big blow right at the head of all the money troubles I have been having lately. When it rains, it really does pour. Posted by Picasa

2 Responses to “stolen”

  1. # Blogger twisted-yarns

    Rainbows can appear after great rains in forms we don't expect.

    Love ya,

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    translated. you're going to win the lottery, without even buying a ticket. its going to be amazing.  

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