every other orange

and the mumbling subsided

As I sat at home today on my day off the glass doctor came and installed a new windshield on my car, comcast came and installed internet and a friend came to drink some tea with me. It was an exceedingly productive day considering I never left my apartment... well I did step outside with Beau to play some fetch and hoola - hoop for awhile. I am more than happy about the internet, those that know me know that I am completly addicted and now I have every excuse (aside from fooseball) to stay in my apartment!
I am planning my next dinner now - the last one was fun but there more people than normal and the meal was pretty expensive so I'm planning for something less so this time... maybe i'll just forgo Wild Oats instead.
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2 Responses to “and the mumbling subsided”

  1. # Blogger Wasatch Girl

    The dinner last time was fantastic! Perhaps we could all chip in more for the main dish as that is the pricey part.  

  2. # Blogger twisted-yarns

    What type of ale is that on the table?  

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