every other orange

Have we not yet reached a ceasefire?

I once again decided to spend my days off in Joe's Valley - surrounded by beautiful boulders and intermittent sun. The first day was glorious! Mattie and I did some great classics (Angler is pictured above) and then spent the rest of the time exploring for less known areas. I also ran into a bunch of friends from Boulder that I was not expecting to see, which is always a good surprise :) That night Scott drove down from Salt Lake City just in time to join us in some night time card playing. Tuesday started out with some time spent at New Joe's until a storm came by and the rain forced us back to camp for a little while. When the weather cleared we found some a great roadside boulder and we climbed until some hail had us running for cover! (Really our fingers and muscles had had enough for the day but hail is a much better excuse for quitting) I had planned on 3 days of climbing, but when I woke up this morning there was snow on the ground and it was positivly freezing... so here I am warm, clean, full and on my couch watching a movie.
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