every other orange

in with the new

My one blog life must have really been boring me ever since SheSends failed to officially launch, because I agreed to start another one. This time it is a blog somewhat sponsored by work. I thought about importing all the data on this blog to that one, but I thought better of it. I really didn't want to do that because I was annoyed with the lack of editing that you could do to a free wordpress blog. sooo... here is the link to the new blog:
This Orange

Also, I will be posting occasionally to this blog as well:

In other news, recovery is going well and I have been able to go on 2/3 hikes each week. There have been some set backs, but I find that it is all part of the learning process. How can I know where the line is without crossing it every once in a while?
Josh and I also discovered the hidden sweetness of Mulberries and picked a whole bunch of them after work on Thursday... I see Mulberry Daiquiries in my future!

P.S. Mulberries really stain hands

1 Responses to “in with the new”

  1. # Blogger Dave

    Mulberries are the best! There used to be a big mulberry tree in our backyard when I was a kid. I loved them.

    And yeah, they really do leave stains...  

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