Josh and I went up to Hellgate on Sunday. Located next to Snowbird, Hellgate was not only nice and cool, it was windy as hell! I would have been super psyched on the last 2 routes that we did if I hadn't been so scared of being blown off the wall. As it was however, they were awesome routes! Lots of side-pulls and gastons and opposition... they were awesomely technical. It is too bad that most of the routes at Hellgate are super choss and the helmet is a must (I hate helmets).
Yesterday Josh and I drove up to Ruth Lake and got in a full day of sport climbing (well, full compared to previous climbing days). It was raining as we hiked up the approach but it didn't last very long and the rock dried super quick. I decided that I wanted to be rope gun for the first couple climbs and later in the day I led my first 5.10 since the fall that has been haunting me for over a year now! It was a great day and I now have hope for future leading :)
*photo compliments of Justin*