every other orange

heaven's net is wide, but it's mesh is fine

Good news! I decided that since my camera was broken anyways, I mays well try to fix it on my own. And, what do you know, I fixed it. I'll have pictures, and probably regular updates again! As for now... a picture from a weekend in Joe's and a survey from Ahren.

The pic is from Lauren (thanks!) and I did actually get this one. It was pretty easy. Joe's is awesome!

4 Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bulk Foods Department Manager @ Meijer
2. Toll booth slave at Hudson Mills Metropark
3. Locksmith intern and lacky for CU
4. Full time chatter for Backcountry.com
...random stuff huh? it's not even the half of it, either...

4 Movies I’ve Watched More Than Once:
1. Ever After
2. Stardust
3. Gladiator
4. The Lord of the Rings

4 Places I’ve Lived:
1. Ann Arbor, MI
2. Estes Park, CO
3. SLC, UT
4. Outskirts of El Paso, TX

4 TV Shows I Watch/Watched:
1. Rome
2. Deadwood
3. Futurama
4. Venture Brothers

4 Places I have Been:
1. Paris, France
2. Hancock, MI
3. Toronto, ON
4. Joshua Tree, CA

4 People who email me regularly:
1. Marla
2. Dad
3. Facebook
4. Spam Spam

4 of my favorite foods:
1. Thai Curry
2. Pancakes
3. Pasta
4. Breakfast Burritos

4 Places I Would Like to Visit:
1. Thailand
2. New Zealand
3. Japan
4. Italy

4 Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year:
1. Having no tail bone!
2. new places
3. learning to ride a bike again
4. the unknowns

4 Friends who I’m Tagging:
1. mumzy
2. you?
3. anyone who wants to fill out the survey
4. and no one who doesn't!


What can I say? My camera broke... I've had some pictures for awhile now, but it kind of hurt posting them, knowing that I won't have anything else. I even said once, "is it worth going to all these beautiful places, if I can't take pictures of them?" Anyways... I went up to SLC a little while ago to meet with my surgeon. I happened to time the visit perfectly with St. Patty's and my old roommates invited me to sit on their float with them. I couldn't refuse, of course, and had an amazingly fun time.

The float was escorted by a bunch of mounted policemen and we had a band and sung very loudly. The crowds seemed to love us :) Even the actual police had a good laugh at ours!

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