every other orange


In an attempt to spice up a night, we traveled to a friends house in costume and tried to make chocolate martinis. The martinis were a disaster but the costumes were incredibly fun. Posted by Picasa

...why not?

I was also wearing heels, lindsay was in a skirt and Beau was wearing his jean jacket :) Posted by Picasa


We (megan, lindsay, zac and I) played Yatzee a couple nights ago and although I got one yatzee, I defintaly didn't win any of the games. Megan got one (she is very happy about it in the picture) but zac kicked our asses by getting one every game. Posted by Picasa

the family

This is me, beau, lindsay and megan.. having fun as always. Things have been great last couple months and although I am sad that I am moving out at the end of this month, I have made some great friends. Right now it looks like I will just be moving down the street so I will be able to see them often... and they can come visit me in my own apartment :) Posted by Picasa


For those of you who have only known me as a red head... that must now change. In a spontaneous need for change I went to the salon and told the lady to do whatever she wanted to my hair. I am very very happy with the results :)
Last night I went to an awesome show! My Morning Jacket really rocked and being in the front always makes for a good time. I hope to see more good music come through Salt Lake City. Posted by Picasa

i missed you too Beau

I definatly missed Beau over the holidays and there is no doubt that he missed me too. His butt waged for 30 minutes straight when I picked him up last night. I am so glad to have him back :) Posted by Picasa

Baby Cat

Baby Cat is the softest cat ever! Posted by Picasa


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New Years!

I flew into Denver late on the 30th and spent New Years in Boulder with a bunch of friends. There was so much snow everywhere! My time in Colorado was very relaxing - I spent a lot of time reading and walking around town. Posted by Picasa

i do love you tom

It took Tom a couple days to warm up to me and unfortunatly by the time he did... I was about to leave. I miss my baby and I hope that he is not still mad at me next time I come home :( Posted by Picasa


I had a wonderful time at home for Christmas! I was able to see many people that I haven't seen for a long time and spend a good amount of time with my family. My 6 days at home went so quickly it felt like I was there for a day. While I was climbing in the gym one night my family started to play poker and the game was in full swing when I got home. I took over playing for Dad because he was tired and quickly cleaned up :) In Mom's defense she did get me down to going all in before I came back to win. Posted by Picasa

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