every other orange

ahhh, ummm, hmmm.... eh?

While trying to find the Crack House with Josh's friends this weekend, we stumbled upon another gorgeous area. Dead Horse Point was simply stunning - seriously! Who knew that there were so many cliffs and canyons and just plain weird land formations everywhere around Moab?? I certainly had no idea.

In a stroke of 'Porscha Luck', it snowed in Moab on Friday. Josh, Adam and Amy had planned to go climbing while I worked, but the snow seriously damped everyones motivation. Thankfully the snow was already melting by the time I got off work. (And no - snow in Moab does not mean that there was snow in Salt Lake...)

It's amazing - I have so many different pictures from so many awesome places in Moab right now that I could space them out and not have to come up with new material for months and months.... it's tempting. :) Oh, and thanks for the comments everyone! They really do keep me going. It's always nice to know that I'm keeping some people up to date with my goings and doings.

burnt by snow

My parents, Josh and I stopped in Bryce before heading back to Moab. We had stopped their before, but hadn't really spent any time there. Unfortunately, this visit was no different. Josh and I took a quick hike down into the HooDoos, but otherwise, we only walked to a couple outlooks.

Above is my mom with her new arm attachment (hint* it is the camera). Aside from our hike in the Narrows, I rarely saw her without it... and I must say that I was a bit jealous. My little point and shoot can get very limiting.

It was great having both of my mom and dad visit. I wish that I could come home this Christmas, but at least we had a great week together here in Moab.

the reader ages but never the words

I had a couple extra days off while my parents were here, so we took a trip down to Zion and Bryce. The weather was gorgeous and we ended up hiking 17 miles in 2 days. Quite a bit for someone who keeps saying that she hates hiking!

We hiked the Narrows, Bottom Up, again. But this time, we did it right. We rented dry pants, awesome 5.10 shoes, neoprene booties, fleece pants and big walking sticks. Although the water was quite cold, I managed to be completely comfortable the whole time! I'm hoping that Josh and I can get back there and do a through hike of the Narrows in the Spring. It is a 17 mile hike, but it is all with the current, so it can't be that bad :)

the stars set fire to my eyes

Thats right everyone, Josh and I moved to Moab! We will be here renting a River Guide house for the winter, climbing every chance that we get (hopefully). My parents both came to visit this last week and the first thing that we did, was hike out to the Delicate Arch. We made it to the Arch just after sun down, so it was unfortunately dark, but it is on the list for a re-visit!

combustion needs a good draught

As a final farewell to Salt Lake, Josh and I went for a hike in Bells Canyon. It was a gorgeous canyon, and one that I hadn't seen before. We didn't get to do much climbing before we left because we both got sick and then were incredibly busy trying to sell all of our stuff...

It was sad that while we were hiking through this supposed "Protected" canyon that we ran into so much trash and graffiti. It's funny that I couldn't bring Beau with us on the hike (because Bells has to be Kept Pure) but in one part of the hike, the crunch of concealed trash was louder than the crunch of leaves. People suck.

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